What’s the difference between a boss and a leader?
Are you a boss or a leader? Almost everyone who joins a network marketing business already has a job. They usually don’t like it, but there it is. Some people join to make some extra money. Some...
View ArticleAre you giving your prospects a way out?
Answer their objections before they use them! Prospecting for new people to tell your story to is hard. It can also be very time consuming. Think back to the last time you generated a lead. If you...
View ArticleGet your prospects to come down off their fences!
Someone has to make a decision There’s not too many things as bad as a prospect who can’t make a decision. They like what they see, but they can’t decide to get started. They’ll tell you that they...
View ArticleHow healthy is your network marketing business?
Is your network marketing business healthy or sick? If you don’t have a downline or not much of one, then you can skip over this article. If you have a sizable downline or if you are planning to...
View ArticleHow do I get my network marketing team to take massive action?
Success in network marketing I had someone, in my downline, call me and ask me that question. It’s great question that almost everyone wants to know the answer to. I gave them the best I had, but...
View ArticleI can’t sell anything
Can you sell your network marketing company’s products? It seems that there aren’t very many people, in network marketing, who think that they can sell anything. Somehow, billions of dollars of...
View ArticleShould you answer your prospect’s questions?
To answer or not to answer? I’ve always been a believer in the saying, “Honesty is the best policy.” That was until I joined my first network marketing company. I was told that I needed to show...
View ArticlePush them off the fence!
Are they Humpty Dumpty? You finally got them to look at your business presentation. They liked what they saw, but … and there always seems to be a but, right? They need to think about it or they...
View ArticleNetwork marketing success – doing the minimum
Are you going to be a network marketing success or just a statistic? Doing the minimum. What is that? For most network marketers, doing the minimum means doing nothing. Yes, it’s sad, but true....
View ArticleIt’s not what you know
It’s not even who you know You’ve probably heard the old phrase, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” A lot of the time that’s true. It’s one of those phrases that seems to be entirely...
View ArticleShould you talk to your warm market about your network marketing business?
What should you do with your warm market? I go back and forth on whether new distributors should start in their warm market or not. My first thought was that no one should work their warm market....
View ArticleI did it my way
What’s the ultimate goal in network marketing? It was about a year ago or so and I set out to try to figure out what the actual object of network marketing was. I know, I know, it’s to make a lot...
View ArticleNetwork marketing objections – How much money are you making?
Will I be successful in network marketing? It’s very rare that you will show your business presentation and not get some sort of objection. I don’t remember anyone signing up with me who didn’t...
View ArticleIs a 2 step selling process better than a 1 step selling process?
What kind selling process will you use? When I started my traditional business, I only knew about a 1 step selling process. A 1 step selling process is when you put out an ad and you give your...
View ArticleNetwork marketing success
If you do these things, you might find success in network marketing Success in network marketing is tough to find. Here are a few things that you can do in order to help yourself in the quest for...
View ArticleHow good of a network marketer are you?
Will you be a successful network marketer? As it turns out, network marketing is a skills based business. Who would’ve thought? No one ever told me that. When I first joined, my sponsor told me...
View ArticleHang up the telephone!
Network marketing training Have you ever played the game called, telephone? It’s where a group of kids sit in a circle and someone starts with a phrase and whispers it in the ear of the person...
View ArticleWhat’s your problem, dude?
Have I got a solution for you! If you want to sell your network marketing products or the business opportunity, you’ll need to find people who need those things. You probably have heard that...
View ArticleNetwork marketing – what is your job?
Can you make success in network marketing easier? Unfortunately, most network marketers will never see a single dime from their network marketing businesses. It seems as though most network...
View ArticleNetwork marketing – Customers and product users
I need new network marketing distributors? Customers and product users? That sounds like the same thing, doesn’t it? There are two different kinds of people who are going to buy your products....
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